Pioneers Canada

Web site


The Brief:

  • Build a new web site that is intuitive, modern, easy to update and integrates with internal software
  • Distinguish the organization from their American office while maintaining the global brand identity
  • Reach a new generation of missionaries across multiple platforms
  • Update key messages to create relevance for younger audiences


Barefoot Creative’s Solution

We didn’t start with the web site; we started with brand discovery and definition (IDEAS). Once the brand was established, we sketched the archetype for the ideal web site. Customizing Barefoot Web and Pay was the perfect solution to showcase Pioneers Canada's new brand. Defining language, design and messaging, the new web site opens the doors to opportunity in ministry — as a team member, donor and volunteer. 

The site is easy to update and keep current. It also integrates with Pioneers International's database of opportunities, keeping the site up-to-date all the time. The payment pop-up, designed for fundraising, is easy, increasing overall online donations. 

Barefoot Creative

Mailing Address: 50 Kent Ave,
 ON  N2G 3R1 
