
e are a full-service agency with strategic focus on: Brand, Digital and Fundraising.

We work with creativity and integrity while focusing on maximizing impact.


Brand is what people think of when they hear your name or see your logo. Brand is the essential personality of your organization or business.

Barefoot Brand Process:

Investigate: Others think we are... We think we are
Define: We are unique because
Express: Create words - your voice. Create style - your image
Apply: Building the marketing materials - test and refine
Support: Growing the experience - evaluate and evolve


In 1985 Orson Scott Card wrote of children who influenced the world by writing a blog - it was considered science fiction.

The marketing industry was turned upside down when digital became ubiquitous. As marketers we know the power of digital - we also know that we have not nearly imagined the business applications online can offer.

We know that the adventure has barely started...


‘What’s miraculous about a spider’s web?’ asked Mrs. Arable. ‘I don’t see why you say a web is a miracle—it’s just a web.’

‘Ever try to spin one?’

E.B White, Charlotte’s Web

The best strategies are simple and seamless – yet as complex as a spider’s web. Barefoot builds each marketing/fundraising strategy for your business/organization. It starts with your goals, your message and your unique brand and then is positioned for your desired audiences. 


“Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.”

L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Campaigns are critical to build brand, messaging and increased response rates. Repeated campaigns build memory. Building your marketing plan in campaign mode helps target an audience with a message that gains power over the course of the activities. Campaigns push aside other noise in a crowded environment.  

Direct Marketing

‘Money,’ he said, ‘is a terrible nuisance. But it’s nice not to have to worry.”

Hugh Lofting, The Story of Dr. Dolittle

Direct Marketing, whether mail, television, radio or web, is simply marketing that has a specific call to action – an immediate request for the audience to do something. 
Direct works. Don’t discount the power of a good offer. 

Content Marketing

“I am aware these little books don’t last long even if they are a success.”

Beatrice Potter, The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Increasing trust in your brand by collateral material that supports your key messages is critical. Building collateral materials to support your marketing strategies builds relevance, authenticity and engagement.

Barefoot Digital

A software suite you can trust AND one that will grow with you...

    • Barefoot WEB

    • Barefoot PAY

    • Barefoot ANALYTICS

    • Barefoot PROJECT

More Information

Barefoot Creative

Mailing Address: 50 Kent Ave,
 ON  N2G 3R1 
