Our Work

We invite you to explore a few case studies.

Each client is unique. We begin by listening and then developing a strategy to meet the challenge. 

Your digital strategies, marketing materials, communication content and fundraising pieces all work together (whether print, audio, video or digital) to increase your overall revenue. We not only create effective material and strong campaigns - we review how it integrates within your organization and your other initiatives.

We help hundreds of organizations motivate and inspire their audience.

Case Studies

Working for Orphans and Widows

Working for Orphans and Widows

Barefoot Creative helped WOW imagine a monthly gift program that intrigued donors and complemented their unique work on the field.

Read more



An annual report can be a mundane publication or a dynamic communication piece engaging governments, partners, foundations and private donors. Guess what we chose?

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Pioneers Canada

Pioneers Canada

 Working for God's Kingdom is exciting, risky and rewarding. 

Why should the web site be boring?

Read more

( ! ) Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in /var/www/barefoot-digital/bfcms_1.5/library/Hook/Cell/Listing/Core.php on line 125
Call Stack
10.0001360472{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.03952079224Frink::dispatch( $request = ???, $response = ??? ).../index.php:11
30.04102139264Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch( $request = NULL, $response = NULL ).../Frink.php:134
40.06982554632Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch( $request = class Zend_Controller_Request_Http { protected $_paramSources = [0 => '_GET', 1 => '_POST']; protected $_requestUri = '/our-work'; protected $_baseUrl = ''; protected $_basePath = NULL; protected $_pathInfo = '/our-work'; protected $_params = ['controller' => 'our-work', 'module' => 'default']; protected $_rawBody = NULL; protected $_aliases = []; protected $_dispatched = TRUE; protected $_module = 'sys'; protected $_moduleKey = 'module'; protected $_controller = 'cell'; protected $_controllerKey = 'controller'; protected $_action = 'renderpage'; protected $_actionKey = 'action' }, $response = class Zend_Controller_Response_Http { protected $_body = ['default' => '', '_bfcms_prepend_default' => '<div id="cell_7848" style="background-image: url(\'/res/pub/Images/Headers/Header-RESIZE-4/Our-Work-Header-Images-RESIZE-4.png\'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; " class="bf-bg-light is-header bf-2-3-height bf-align-left bf-valign-middle bfcms-ctr-2-cell bfcms-ctr-container featurette bf-bg-position-center-75">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="row">\n <div class="col-xs-12 col-xs-offset-0 col-sm-12 col-sm-offset-0 col-md-1']; protected $_exceptions = []; protected $_headers = []; protected $_headersRaw = []; protected $_httpResponseCode = 200; protected $_isRedirect = FALSE; protected $_renderExceptions = FALSE; public $headersSentThrowsException = TRUE } ).../Front.php:954
50.07012576160Sys_CellController->dispatch( $action = 'renderpageAction' ).../Standard.php:296
60.07022578776Sys_CellController->renderpageAction( ).../Action.php:516
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100.12262876712Cell_ContainerController->dispatch( $action = 'defaultAction' ).../Standard.php:296
110.12412890984Cell_ContainerController->__call( $method = 'defaultAction', $args = [] ).../Action.php:518
120.12412891016Cell_ContainerController->viewAction( ).../Cell.php:927
130.12552905472Cell_ContainerController->_render( $template = 'default', $layout = 'empty' ).../ContainerController.php:171
140.12722906560Zend_View->render( $name = 'container/default.php' ).../Cell.php:741
150.12722923200Zend_View->_run( '/var/www/vhosts/barefootcreative.com/www-old/bfcms/modules/cell/views/scripts/container/default.php' ).../Abstract.php:888
160.12722924192include( '/var/www/barefoot-digital/bfcms_1.5/modules/cell/views/scripts/container/default.php ).../View.php:108
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200.12952966320Cell_ListingController->__call( $method = 'defaultAction', $args = [] ).../Action.php:518
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( ! ) Warning: Illegal offset type in /var/www/barefoot-digital/bfcms_1.5/library/Hook/Cell/Listing/Core.php on line 125
Call Stack
10.0001360472{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.03952079224Frink::dispatch( $request = ???, $response = ??? ).../index.php:11
30.04102139264Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch( $request = NULL, $response = NULL ).../Frink.php:134
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50.07012576160Sys_CellController->dispatch( $action = 'renderpageAction' ).../Standard.php:296
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( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: Article in /var/www/barefoot-digital/bfcms_1.5/library/Hook/Cell/Listing/Core.php on line 294
Call Stack
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100.12262876712Cell_ContainerController->dispatch( $action = 'defaultAction' ).../Standard.php:296
110.12412890984Cell_ContainerController->__call( $method = 'defaultAction', $args = [] ).../Action.php:518
120.12412891016Cell_ContainerController->viewAction( ).../Cell.php:927
130.12552905472Cell_ContainerController->_render( $template = 'default', $layout = 'empty' ).../ContainerController.php:171
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Barefoot Creative

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 ON  N2G 3R1 
