

Annual Report


The Brief:

  • Create an engaging report on the organization’s achievements
  • Communicate to multiple audiences including governments, foundations, private donors and mass donors
  • Present a professional image while acknowledging the high commitment to stewardship

Barefoot Creative’s Solution

Each page of this Annual Report tells the story of children, women and men affected by leprosy and other neglected tropical diseases. Barefoot Creative ensured the report was interspersed with large and engaging photos and stories of lives transformed to engage the readers on the people, not just the program. 

The scientific data and program statistics were presented as infographics to ensure comprehension among all audiences. The donors can easily see their funds in action, while corporations can ascertain the professionalism and accountability of effect:hope.

The report also included stories from current donors about how effect:hope has touched their lives. The copy, graphics and layout worked together to give a validating reflection of the past year and a visionary look into the next year. 

Barefoot Creative

Mailing Address: 50 Kent Ave,
 ON  N2G 3R1 
